Our offer

What is Webradiostore?

  • 150 hours of music
  • 10 playlists classified by ambiance and style
  • A directory of exceptional quality broadcast in High Quality with monthly updates. Access from your computer, mobile or tablet
  • Exemption from performing rights organization royalties and a rate starting from €2.99 excl. VAT per month.
Two Cup of coffees at coffee shop


We guarantee that we have obtained all authorisations from copyright holders to enable you to distribute the Webradiostore repertoire while being totally exempt from performing rights organization (PRO) such as ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, PRS, SACEM, SGAE, SIAE, SUISA, SOCAN etc.

We believe we have a fair business model as we pay 50% of your subscription price exclusive of VAT to the composers and copyright holders.

Keep and show your licence in case of checks or to obtain the royalties exemption.

Webradiostore is royalties-free music for businesses, hotels and restaurants.

Go to our demo page to listen to our premium repertoire broadcast in MP3 128 Kbps.

Webradiostore is the guarantee of your customers and staff comfort. Our Move Radio and Cool Radio also allows you to generate more sales according to the footfall of your spaces. The background music marketing studies prove this: soft music increases time spent in store and fast tempo music stimulates purchases and movement.

Very happy beautiful young woman in casual clothing with shopping bags, with copyspace area for text or slogan

Up to 50m²


Monthly price excl. VATThat is an annual cost of €35.88 excl. VAT



Up to 80m²


Monthly price excl. VATThat is an annual cost of €47,88 excl. VAT



Up to 100m²


Monthly price excl. VATThat is an annual cost of €59,88 excl. VAT



Up to 400m²


Monthly price excl. VATThat is an annual cost of €95,88 excl. VAT



Up to 1000m²


Monthly price excl. VATThat is an annual cost of €119,88 excl. VAT



Up to 2000m²


Monthly price excl. VATThat is an annual cost of €155,88 excl. VAT



Up to 5000m²


Monthly price excl. VATThat is an annual cost of €191,88 excl. VAT



Do you have any questions or special requests? Please consult our FAQ or contact us on +33(0) 9 53 14 31 27 or by email at info@webradiostore.fr. You can even request a 3-day free trial!